Did you know April 14-20, 2024 is Family Physician Week? Celebrate with us by tagging us on social media using #familyphysicianweek We'll be highlighting CAFP members all week on our social media channels!
Did you know April 14-20, 2024 is Family Physician Week? Celebrate with us by tagging us on social media using #familyphysicianweek We'll be highlighting CAFP members all week on our social media channels!
With only two weeks until AMAM, seats are filling up quickly. We will be closing registration, as well as the opportunity to sign up for Lobby Day, on April 8. Don't miss the chance to register. To view a full schedule of AMAM we highly encourage you to download the CAFP App. You can also […]
Hundreds of AAFP staff members are dedicated to providing tools and support that help family physicians deliver the highest-quality health care. Now it’s time for members to share feedback with AAFP and influence how they focus new efforts, through the 2024 Member Satisfaction Survey. The survey is open to all active and resident members through […]
Recent legislation, AB 890(Nurse practitioners: scope of practice: practice without standardized procedures, Wood, 2020) created two new categories of nurse practitioners (commonly referred to as "103 NPs" and "104 NPs) effectively expanding their scope of practice. This new law, which went into effect January 1, 2021, carries significant legal impacts for family physicians. The information […]
By Brent Sugimoto, MD, FAAFP Why You Should Come to an ACEs Practice Inquiry Group Have you wondered how to fit screening for ACEs into the care of your patients? Practice Inquiry Groups are explorations of case studies submitted by participants. You should come because it’s a chance to hear first hand how your colleagues […]
This interactive, case-based activity provides education on the clinical characteristics of the GLP-1 RAs, how they differ from each other, and the rationale and guidance for their use with patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). 1.0 CME, free of charge, available 24/7. Register HERE
Join the movement for inclusive health care! Project RAINBOW's new report highlights the urgent need to address discrimination against TGI individuals. California, let's lead with compassion and action. Read the report HERE.
Calling all California family medicine residents! Meet your ACGME requirements for scholarly activity by participating in the Resident Poster Competition. You are invited to submit original research/case reports for poster presentation at our all-member in-person event, FM POP! Get your submissions in by Friday, March 15, 2024! APPLY HERE
With the fall of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the reproductive health landscape changed in ways unimaginable a short time ago, when electronic health records became the norm. With increasing interoperability of medical records, reproductive health information is being shared widely and across state lines. This may put women seeking healthcare outside of their […]