We are reminded throughout our careers that we are looked up to by so many. We must be ready then to be leaders when we are called. Dr. Carol Havens reminded us at the Clinical Forum earlier this year that when we are tapped on the shoulder to lead, we should say yes, because CAFP will be there to support us and not let us fail.
I hope you take this opportunity in your career to step up to take a leadership role in your community, local chapter, a CAFP committee, or just in your own practice. CAFP has compiled these resources and opportunities for you to look through.
If you have any questions, please reach out to CAFP at cafp@familydocs.org.
California AFP Chapter Opportunities
AAFP Opportunities
If you are interested in serving as a member of the California delegation or as a representative of CAFP at the national level, please reach out to CAFP to express your interest. You can email us at cafp@familydocs.org or call at (415) 345-8667.
Other Opportunities