Leadership with CAFP

Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge. - Simon Sinek
Lauren Simon, MD, CAFP President

Be ready for a tap on the shoulder.

We are reminded throughout our careers that we are looked up to by so many. We must be ready then to be leaders when we are called. Dr. Carol Havens reminded us at the Clinical Forum earlier this year that when we are tapped on the shoulder to lead, we should say yes, because CAFP will be there to support us and not let us fail. 

I hope you take this opportunity in your career to step up to take a leadership role in your community, local chapter, a CAFP committee, or just in your own practice. CAFP has compiled these resources and opportunities for you to look through.

If you have any questions, please reach out to CAFP at cafp@familydocs.org

Leadership Resources and Opportunities

California AFP Chapter Opportunities

  • Local Chapter Leadership - get involved in your local chapter. Find out more about your local chapter here.
  • Committee Leadership - You can join a CAFP Committee in the area you are most interested in serving. Read more about committees here.
  • Board Leadership - If you are interested in joining the CAFP board, reach out to CAFP and let us know. We can walk you through the process to start on your way to board leadership.
  • Student & Resident Council - If you are a medical student or family medicine resident, you can apply to join the Student & Resident Council. Find out more here.
  • CAFP Foundation Leadership - The CAFP Foundation Board of Trustees is one more way you can become involved. Find out more here.
  • California AFP Residency Network (CRN) - If you are a program director at one of California Family Medicine Residency Programs, you can be involved in the incredible CRN. Find out more about CRN here.
  • Scholarships for Students & Residents - The CAFP Foundation regularly offers scholarships for student and resident members to attend events throughout the year at the state and national level. The events include the AAFP's National Conference for Residents and Students (NCRS), CAFP's All Member Advocacy Meeting (AMAM), and more. You can find more information about scholarships in the Student & Resident News. If you are not receiving it, please reach out to us to let us know. These opportunities will also be highlighted on the Student & Resident page and in our blog.

AAFP Opportunities

  • National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL) - The National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL) is the AAFP’s leadership development event that empowers a select group of change makers to catalyze positive change in family medicine. NCCL will inspire you to build on your leadership skills and create a lasting impact for current and future generations of family physicians.  
  • Annual Chapter Leader Forum (ACLF) - ACLF is a time to focus on and find new ways to address the issues that affect the members of your chapter and state, by engaging in important dialogue. ACLF draws more than 200 attendees each year and features targeted breakout sessions on chapter governance, advocacy, communications, meetings, and leadership.
  • Congress of Delegates (COD) - The Congress of Delegates is AAFP's policy-making body. Its membership consists of two delegates and two alternates from each constituent chapter and from the member constituencies including new physicians, residents, students, and other constituency groups represented at the National Conference of Constituency Leaders.
  • AAFP Commissions - AAFP commissions process referrals from the AAFP Board of Directors, Congress of Delegates, National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL), National Congress of Family Medicine Residents (NCFMR), and National Congress of Student Members (NCSM). In addition, commissions discuss issues within their scope of work and deliberate regarding new strategic ideas to generate specific recommendations for action to the board. 
  • Other AAFP Leadership Opportunities - Whether you are looking to serve on a national commission, or are a student or resident seeking national leadership positions, you can find those opportunities here.

If you are interested in serving as a member of the California delegation or as a representative of CAFP at the national level, please reach out to CAFP to express your interest. You can email us at cafp@familydocs.org or call at (415) 345-8667.

Other Opportunities

  • The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) Health Care Leadership Program - This two-year, part-time fellowship offers clinically trained health care professionals the experience and skills necessary for effective vision and leadership in the health care system. Find out more here.

Connect with your local CAFP chapter

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(415) 345-8667
816 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
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