Your Committee on Continuing Professional Development met on Saturday, July 20, at the Long Beach Hilton. A priority for the meeting was planning for the 2020 Family Medicine Clinical Forum, May 15-17, at the Hilton. We have two great keynotes already in place: Paul Grundy, MD and TR Reid – both visionaries in the health care delivery world. A wide range of clinical topics are in the works, and we will debut the new Palliative Care ABFM Knowledge Self Assessment module. Long Beach locals Jeff Luther and Mark Dressner attended to help bring the local flair to the meeting. Dr. Dressner has already mapped out the path for our 5K FundRun! Thanks to Chris Flores, we also had a demonstration of cool portable ultrasound technology (POCUS), which will be part of the 2020 agenda. Registration will be open soon … dust off your Hawaiian aloha shirts for the all member party and visit here for more details.
CCPD’s agenda also included a facilitated discussion of Year 1 research in the Knowledge Translation project, a 2019 program overview, and a mission statement crafting exercise. CCPD members decided to explore a new education offering from electronic special issues of the California Family Physician magazine highlighting hot topics to a new monthly “CCPD: What We’re Watching, Listening to or Reading” blog, featuring key journal articles, podcasts, books, blogs, etc. that might be of interest to members.