The Sacramento Valley Chapter of the California Academy of Family Physicians is a close knit group of medical students, family medicine residents, and family medicine attending physicians who believe in empowering, educating, and connecting current and future family medicine physicians to improve the health of all Californians. Our chapter has existed for over 40 years, and we are excited to continue to grow and shape our chapter into a source of support for our communities’ needs. Our chapter believes in the raw power and ingenuity of its members; and we are always thrilled to expand on our members’ interests, ideas, and passions for advocacy, collaboration, equity, and service. Our chapter hosts multiple events during the year, ranging from writing and submitting resolutions to the All Member Advocacy Meeting (AMAM), to educational sessions on health care reform, personal finance, careers in family medicine, trauma-informed care, toxicology in primary care, and, of course, our traditionally wondrous resident/attending physician annual dinner and award ceremonies.
If you are new to the Sacramento Valley, if you are visiting, or if you have lived here for some time - we are your chapter. If you have an idea - a change you wish to see, a legislative effort you want to advocate for, a community service event in mind, an educational opportunity you have interest in, or anything you think we may be able to help you with - we are here for you.
Email us; come to our board meetings; join us for our in-person and virtual events. We live for our members. We exist to serve our family medicine community.
Check back soon!