Riverside-San Bernardino Chapter


Welcome to the Riverside-San Bernardino Chapter of the CAFP, Riv-SB or R-SB for short). Riv-SB has a large geographic, educational and practice diversity impact on the communities we serve. Our chapter encompasses San Bernardino County, the largest geographic county in the continental United States, and Riverside County. This Chapter has served our region since the 1980s when there were numerous Family Physicians in solo practices spread out among the landscape of Citrus groves, mountains, and deserts. As the region has grown, more of our members now work in group, corporate, Federally Qualified Health Centers, community Clinics and academic practices than in solo practice with others serving in outreach settings. Whatever the setting, our Family Medicine physicians are there to serve.

 Our Chapter has always had a focus on education of our Family Medicine workforce pipeline and our early, mid and late career physicians. In the 1980s there was just one Family Medicine Residency Program in our Chapter area, at San Bernardino County Medical Center (now known as Arrowhead Regional Medical Center). Now our Chapter has over a dozen Family Medicine Residency Programs and three medical schools, which is the largest educational footprint of all the CAFP Chapters. Our Chapter produces a variety of Continuing Medical Education events ranging from interactive dinner format, to daylong in -person CME, or virtual events on high yield medical topics, and important information for medical practice.

Our members represent the incredible diversity of the population in our region and serve all ages of patients in a variety of practice settings. Our Chapter members are also active in advocacy at CAFP and at  local, regional, state and national levels to augment the care we provide for our patients and the broader communities.

Beyond the workday, our Riverside -San Bernardino CAFP Chapter members enjoy meeting for outdoor and sports activities, cultural experiences, food, friendship and just for fun!

For more information please reach out to us at rivsbcafp@familydocs.org and follow up on social @rsbcafp.

Chapter Leader

Moazzum Bajwa MD, MPH


Shayne Poulin, MD

Moazzum Bajwa, MD
President Elect

Mary Hanna, MD

Mai-Linh Tran, MD
Immediate Past President

Mayra Hernandez Schulte, MD (SB IE), Vivian Yang, MD (Riverside IE), and Scott Nass, MD (Great Lower Desert Area)
Community Directors

Lauren Simon, MD
Health Policy Director

Venus Esquivel, MD,  Sobia Ali, MD, and Fatima Maqsood, MD
Resident Directors

Brian Chan and Kristen Masada
Medical Student Directors

Chapter Events

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(415) 345-8667
816 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
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