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Published: January 4, 2020

State Initiates CAFP-Supported Changes to Medi-Cal

Through budget, regulatory and legislative advocacy, CAFP has pushed the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to expand health coverage, increase provider payment, and pilot new programs to better address the health needs of the vulnerable Medi-Cal patient population. As part of these efforts, CAFP-supported young adult Medi-Cal expansion allows full-scope coverage for tens of thousands of Californians age 19 to 26, regardless of their documentation status, as long as they meet income and other eligibility requirements. CAFP also successfully fought for the State Budget to include the restoration of non-federally mandated "optional" health benefits cut from Medi-Cal during the last recession, including eyeglasses, audiology and podiatry.

In addition, DHCS began paying Medi-Cal providers to administer age-appropriate developmental screenings in 2020. Moreover, as part of the ACEs Aware initiative that began this week, providers will receive $29 for screening patients to identify childhood traumatic events that may lead to health problems. FQHCs are also eligible for this payment. CAFP is actively engaged in the initiative as a member on the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee and Physician Engagement Subcommittee. CAFP will also launch a 4-5 hour e-publication addressing ACES in March 2020 and have a session on ACEs at the FM Clinical Forum May 15-17.

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