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Published: October 21, 2019

Plan Now for All-Member Advocacy Meeting Deadlines

It's time to start planning for the 2020 All-Member Advocacy Meeting (AMAM) and Lobby Day, March 14-16, 2020, at the Sacramento Sheraton Grand Hotel.

The deadline to submit names of chapter delegates and alternates (as well as resolutions) is Friday, January 10, 2020. The CAFP Board of Directors has been busy working on resolutions submitted in 2019. The resolution “Action Report” and 2020 Policy Proposal/Resolution Form has been posted on the CAFP website at www.familydocs.org/events/amam.

AMAM offers attendees skills and tools to be effective advocates for family medicine and participation is a great way to develop legislative acumen alongside like-minded family physicians. AMAM is also important for determining CAFP policy and leadership. Delegates vote for CAFP president-elect, speaker, vice-speaker, AAFP delegate and alternate delegate and Nominating Committee members and on any resolutions that call for dues increases or special assessments. They also have the opportunity to testify on resolutions considered by the Board.

Start planning and get ready to attend one of the most energizing and important CAFP events of the year!

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(415) 345-8667
816 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
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