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Published: August 18, 2020

CMS COVID-19 Office Hours and Lessons Learned

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) holds weekly “Office Hour Calls” on Tuesdays at 2pm to provide hospitals, health systems, and providers an opportunity to ask questions of agency officials regarding CMS’s temporary COVID-19 response. The next Office Hours will take place Tuesday, August 25th at 2:00 pm – Toll-Free Attendee Dial-In: 833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 8579003.

"Lessons from the Front Lines" calls are a joint effort between CMS Administrator Seema Verma, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, MD, and the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Physicians and other clinicians are invited to share their experiences, ideas, strategies, and insights with one another related to their COVID-19 response. There is an opportunity to ask questions of presenters. The next Lessons from the Front Lines will take place Friday, August 21st at 9:30 am – Toll-Free Attendee Dial-In: 833-614-0820; Access Passcode: 5956858.

For the most current information including call schedule changes, please click here. Calls recordings and transcripts are posted on the CMS podcast page.

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