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Published: June 1, 2020

CAFP Welcomes New District VI Director

Congratulations to Robin Linscheid Janzen, MD, who has been elected to the role of District VI Director on CAFP’s Board of Directors. Robin assumes the position which was vacated when the previous Director, Dr. Raul Ayala, was installed as CAFP’s new Vice-Speaker.  Dr. Janzen will represent the Fresno, Kings, Madera, Merced, Mariposa, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura County Chapters.

A native of the central valley, Dr. Janzen has been a member of CAFP since she moved back to California in 2005 for residency at Ventura County Medical Center. As the current President of the Fresno-Kings-Madera Chapter, Robin led efforts in recent years to restructure their board to meet the needs of a diverse community of doctors, some in academic medicine, others in private practice. She helped develop chapter bylaws, expanded their board and recruited a diverse group of doctors from several of the local residency programs and Kaiser. This has allowed the chapter to reconnect with many new members in the region to better meet their needs. Robin is also passionate about advocacy. “CAFP has provided me an effective platform and inspired me to advocate for family medicine within my local community and workplace. I practice full spectrum family medicine including OB deliveries, which has given me the opportunity to expand privileging for family doctors within our local hospitals. I want to continue to advocate for full spectrum family medicine in central California...The future of family medicine is in our residencies and medical schools and I am working hard to inspire our next generation of family doctors.”

Dr. Tipu Khan, an active member of the Ventura County Chapter and 2018 CAFP Family Physician of the Year, was also elected to serve as District VI Alternate. 

Congratulations Robin and Tipu, and thank you for your commitment to serve!

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