For Immediate Release
July 26, 2021
Contact: Josh Lunsford
(415) 345-8667
San Francisco — The California Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP) supports the efforts by Governor Newsom to require vaccination of state workers and health care workers across the state. CAFP supports universal vaccination and the concept of mandatory vaccination in a health care setting. For decades, family physicians have been strong champions of community vaccination.
“Health care workers have the trust of their patients, have the opportunity to provide education and support to patients with vaccine hesitancy, and are in a position to lead by example,” Shannon Connolly, MD said. “Health care workers also have the responsibility to ensure the safety of their patients and their colleagues.”
Vaccinations are an important and effective way to protect Californians from COVID-19. As the dangerous Delta variant spreads through communities, it is imperative that we bring this pandemic to an end, which can be done by continuing to promote vaccines as safe and effective so that more people get vaccinated.
CAFP looks forward to working with the Governor and his administration on the details of how this policy will be implemented.
About the California Academy of Family Physicians: With more than 10,000 members, including active practicing family physicians, residents in family medicine, and medical students interested in the specialty, CAFP is the largest primary care medical society in California. Family physicians are trained to treat an entire family’s medical needs, addressing the whole spectrum of life’s medical challenges. Family Physicians serve a broad base of patients in urban, suburban, and rural areas, often in California’s most underserved areas.
About the Shannon Connolly, MD, FAAFP: Dr. Connolly, is the President of the California Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP). Dr.Connolly is Associate Medical Director at Melody Health in Orange County where she also sees patients. Dr. Connolly received a B.A. in Biomedical Ethics from Brown University and an M.D. from University of Southern California. She did her medical residency in Family Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles and completed a fellowship in Primary Care Psychiatry at the University of California Irvine.