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Published: September 28, 2023

CAFP Sending 8 Member Resolutions to the AAFP Congress of Delegates

Ever wonder what happens to the resolutions submitted at CAFP’s All Member Advocacy Meeting (AMAM)? Over the course of the six months since AMAM 2023, each resolution has been reviewed and discussed by our Board. In some cases, the Board has enough information to make a determination. In other instances, the resolution is referred to a CAFP committee for further discussion and committee recommendation, before it is brought back to the Board for approval.  Earlier this month, the Board voted on the final remaining AMAM resolution. CAFP then submitted eight resolutions to the AAFP to be considered for national action at the Congress of Delegates (COD), who meet in October in Chicago. Our CAFP Board will send a delegation of four representatives to the congress, to advocate that our member resolutions be adopted as national policy. You can view all of the resolutions from AMAM on the updated resolutions dashboard, and see which ones are headed to COD. We’ll report back again after the congress.

Interested in being more involved in this process? Join us for the next AMAM, April 13-14, 2024 in Sacramento, where a new round of resolutions will be considered, and keep an eye out for the launch of the fall committee nominations cycle in November. Resolution writing and committee participation are great ways to help shape future CAFP policy, and may even be adopted at the national level.

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