The application cycle for CalHealthCares opens on January 18, 2021. CalHealthCares is a relatively new loan repayment program for new physicians who maintain a patient caseload of 30 percent or more Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Awardees can receive up to $300,000 in exchange for a five-year service obligation. Awardees must have graduated from a physician residency program and/or completed a fellowship within the past five years, have an existing medical school loan debt, and cannot participate in another loan repayment program. Below are important CalHealthCares deadlines. Potential applicants can attend a webinar for more information and peruse the website at
January 18, 2020: Application opens
January 29, 2020, 5:00pm: Early review period deadline
February 12, 2020, 11:59pm: Application deadline
May 31, 2020: Awardee announcement
July 1, 2020: Contract starts
The California Department of Health Care Services has contracted with Physicians for a Healthy California to administer CalHealthCares. CAFP sits on the CalHealthCares advisory committee and is proud to have seen so many family physicians awarded this needed financial support.