2019 Forum
More than 260 physicians gathered in Monterey for two and a half days of excellent CME, networking, camaraderie, and all-around fun at CAFP’s 2019 Family Medicine Clinical Forum. The event included an all member reception, community service project, the CAFP Foundation’s 5K Fund Run, and optional workshops. Many of the sessions stressed the importance of physical activity and taking care of ourselves in order to continue to provide the best care for our patients. Early in the conference, Alex Mroszczyk-McDonald, MD challenged the group to “share out” on social media the terrific information and experiences of the Forum and reach 1 million impressions. We exceeded that goal and reached more than two million impressions! If you’ve followed #FMForum19 then you’ve seen what a rewarding experience the Forum was for everyone involved. If you were not able to join us, please mark the 2020 and 2021 dates in your calendars now!