March 15-16, 2025
Sacramento, CA
Lobby Day, March 17, 2025
Join us at the 2025 All Member Advocacy Meeting (AMAM), where family physicians are boldly leading the charge to shape the future of health care. This year’s AMAM celebrates primary care as the cornerstone of health equity, innovation, and transformative policy, with family medicine and family physicians at the forefront.
Get ready to make an impact in health care policy! At AMAM, you’ll connect with policy experts, gain hands-on advocacy skills, and network with colleagues and legislators committed to advancing family medicine. This year’s sessions will equip you with the tools and strategies to become a pioneering force in health care reform—from expanding primary care funding to championing policies that shape health equity.
You’ll engage in sessions you know and love, such as “How to Talk to Your Legislator,” and explore new offerings. AMAM will also feature insights and recommendations from the CAFP Primary Care Taskforce. Taskforce members are in the process of developing policy recommendations on healthcare system reform, tackling unified financing models, and establishing goals for primary care spending across California.
Be a part of the movement that’s redefining health care. Let’s shape the future of primary care—together!
AMAM is one of CAFP’s most popular events. The 2025 All Member Advocacy Meeting will be held at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento (1230 J Street, Sacramento) on Saturday and Sunday, March 15-16, 2025 with Lobby Day on Monday, March 17, 2025.
We're pleased to offer CAFP members a financial assistance waiver to attend the 2025 AMAM on March 15-16th. In order for CAFP to assist with this request, please complete the request form. If your request is approved, you will receive a discount code for registration. If you have any questions, contact
All local chapters receive a representative number of delegates and alternate delegates to AMAM. Delegates vote for new CAFP officers, and on changes to CAFP bylaws and dues. Are you a member of a chapter without current leadership or not sure how to get ahold of your local chapter leader? Email your interest to and we will help connect you.
All delegates must be submitted by January 13, 2025.
The CAFP JEDI Equity Tool was developed by the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee as a guide to prompt resolution authors to consider an equity lens when crafting resolutions, and for the CAFP Board and committees to reflect upon as they review resolutions. Resolution authors will be required to submit a completed Equity Tool Worksheet as part of this year's resolution submission process. Learn more about the tool and about the work of CAFP’s JEDI Committee here.
12:00 -1:00 pm
AMAM Registration & Lunch
1:30-1:50 pm
Opening Session of the AMAM – Welcome
Lisa Folberg, CAFP CEO and Raul Ayala, MD, MHCM, CAFP Immediate Past President
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What is the AMAM and What Will We Do During This Meeting
Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Speaker
• Certification of Delegates
• Nominations from the floor, if any*
• Presentation of Election Slate and vote on uncontested positions
1:50 - 2:10 pm
President’s Address and Overview of the CAFP Strategic Plan
Alex McDonald, MD, FAAFP
2:10 - 3:10 pm
Resolutions Hearing – CAFP Board of Directors
Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Speaker and Brent Sugimoto, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Vice Speaker
• Presentation of testimony to the Board of Directors concerning proposed policies developed by members and chapters, and submitted via resolution. All members are invited to speak.
• The CAFP Board hears all proposals, takes action on them over the course of the year and reports back to the members at the next AMAM.
3:10 - 3:30 pm
3:30 - 5:15 pm
Resolutions Hearing – CAFP Board of Directors
Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Speaker and Brent Sugimoto, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Vice Speaker
5:15 - 5:30 pm
Election of Officers, AAFP Delegates and Alternates, Governance Committee Members and Rural Director (if contested elections)
Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Speaker
6:00 - 7:00 pm
President’s Reception at CAFP Sacramento HQ (816 21st Street)
7:00 pm
Sacramento Dine Arounds
7:30 - 8:30 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Chapter Presidents Breakfast
8:30 - 8:35 am
All Member Advocacy Meeting Reconvenes – Welcome Back and Preview of the Day
Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP, CAFP Speaker
8:35 - 8:50 am
CAFP Foundation Update & AMAM Scholarship Winners
New CAFP Foundation President
8:50 - 9:05 am
FP-PAC Weekend Update
Shannon Connolly, MD, FAAFP, FP-PAC Chair
9:05 - 10:05 am
Keynote Speaker
10:05 -10:25 am
10:25 - 11:40 am
PCFA Report and Hearing
11:40 am - 12:00 pm
Break/Lunch Buffet
12:00 - 12:45 pm
Celebration Lunch
Jay Lee, MD, FAAFP – AAFP Board Member
Alex McDonald, MD, FAAFP – CAFP President
12:45 - 1:45 pm
Legislative Briefing on CAFP Priorities
Jeff Luther, MD, FAAFP – CAFP Legislative Affairs Committee Chair
CAFP Vice President of Advocacy and Policy
Tiyesha Watts – CAFP Legislative and Policy Advocate
Vanessa Cajina-CAFP Legislative Advocate
1:45 - 2:15 pm
What’s Happening in the State: Legislative Trends Shaping Primary Care
Julie Harrison, MPP-Sr. Manager, State Affairs and Member Advocacy
2:15 -2:30 pm
2:30 - 4:00 pm
Training Tracks
Track One: How to Talk to Your Legislator
Vanessa Cajina - CAFP Legislative Advocate
Track Two: Trusted Messenger
Amanda D’Almeida, MD, MPH-Resident Physician at UCLA and Co-Founder of Medicine Explained
In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for communication, education, and advocacy. This session will emphasize how family physicians can effectively and ethically utilize social media platforms to amplify family physicians as a trusted voice in the community, to share evidence-based information, to counteract misinformation, and to engage in advocacy. Participants will engage in practical activities, including brainstorming content ideas and learning how to recommend credible resources to their patients. Together, we’ll explore actionable steps to harness the power of media for the health of our patients and communities.
8:00 - 8:45 am
Lobby Day Issue Briefing
Jeff Luther, MD, FAAFP – CAFP Legislative Affairs Committee Chair
CAFP Vice President of Advocacy and Policy
Tiyesha Watts – CAFP Legislative and Policy Advocate
Champion of Family Medicine Award Presentation
9:00 am
Group Photo in Front of the Capitol
9:15 am - 12:00 pm
Legislative Visits at the Capitol
12:00 - 1:00 pm
FP-PAC Donor Lunch Reception
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Legislative Visits at the Capital
Advocacy 101: How to Talk to Your Legislator
Join us for an empowering session at the 2025 All Member Advocacy Meeting (AMAM) where you'll gain the tools and knowledge to become a more effective advocate for the causes you care about. In this session, you'll learn how to navigate the legislative process, craft persuasive messages, and build meaningful relationships with your legislators. Whether you're a seasoned advocate or new to advocacy, this session will provide practical strategies to help you make a difference and amplify your voice on important family physician issues. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of advocacy and make an impact in your community and beyond.
What’s Happening in the States: Legislative Trends Shaping Primary Care
Join Julie Harrison, MPP, Sr. Manager, State Affairs and Member Advocacy, AAFP, for an in-depth review of the latest legislative and regulatory trends at the state level that impact primary care and family medicine. Participants will gain insights into key policy initiatives, emerging legislative priorities, and strategies for engaging in state-level advocacy.
Special emphasis will be placed on California’s legislative landscape, with comparisons to trends in other states and discussions on the interplay with federal administration priorities. Attendees will leave with a comprehensive understanding of how these developments could shape the future of primary care and actionable steps to advocate for meaningful reform.
Reserve one of the limited rooms available through CAFP’s special block rate of $199 at the Sheraton Grand in Sacramento. The room block is almost fully sold out. If you are unable to make a reservation through our link, please contact the hotel directly.
Sheraton Grand Sacramento
1230 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 447-1700
Other hotels within a couple blocks of the Sheraton include:
Conference attendees can self-park at a special rate of $30.00 or valet park for $40.00 per day. In and out privileges are available for overnight guests.
Sacramento Metropolitan Airport (SMF) is 12 miles from the Sheraton Grand. Transport is available via Uber, Lyft, taxi or the airport shuttle.