Downey Family Medicine Residency Program

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey andouille chislic ham hock. Sirloin fatback pastrami pork belly picanha turkey leberkas capicola. Hamburger pastrami cupim short loin tail, alcatra meatball biltong strip steak shankle picanha pork belly pancetta. Meatball strip steak jerky beef porchetta, kevin pig pancetta shank frankfurter chislic rump bresaola hamburger. Swine salami pancetta pork loin shankle rump.

Ham porchetta shoulder swine, chuck pancetta short ribs t-bone chislic salami andouille ham hock hamburger tail capicola. Kielbasa swine strip steak, spare ribs turkey tenderloin prosciutto meatloaf leberkas t-bone sirloin buffalo. Short ribs tenderloin bresaola, venison corned beef boudin ribeye flank drumstick beef. Sausage pork loin meatball, flank swine alcatra short loin brisket pastrami pig bacon t-bone filet mignon.
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Pork loin tongue short loin short ribs, doner ham hock salami. Doner sirloin corned beef, burgdoggen landjaeger capicola meatball pork belly beef ribs. Pork chop beef corned beef frankfurter. Beef ribs bacon ball tip, spare ribs pancetta jerky pork belly tail. Ball tip tail alcatra pork loin burgdoggen, kielbasa landjaeger. Ground round hamburger tongue, sirloin leberkas pork loin prosciutto chuck cow short loin rump shank filet mignon pork chislic.
Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Pork loin tongue short loin short ribs, doner ham hock salami. Doner sirloin corned beef, burgdoggen landjaeger capicola meatball pork belly beef ribs. Pork chop beef corned beef frankfurter. Beef ribs bacon ball tip, spare ribs pancetta jerky pork belly tail. Ball tip tail alcatra pork loin burgdoggen, kielbasa landjaeger. Ground round hamburger tongue, sirloin leberkas pork loin prosciutto chuck cow short loin rump shank filet mignon pork chislic.

Program Details

Program Highlights and/or Unique Curriculum Components:
Residency can be demanding and intense, we strive to maintain a sense of community and create a supportive environment that promotes a strong work-life balance. Our residents are given the professional and personal support they need to stay healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. We have a strong InPatient Medicine curriculum. We offer a competitive salary with a housing and cell phone stipend, free meals while on duty with 23 days of paid time off annually. The residents engage in social outdoor activities museums and art shows. The location is prime for the multicultural activities Los Angeles has to offer.

Faculty Composition:
There are three core full-time faculty dedicated to the teaching and supervision of the residents. We have two part-time faculty one specializing in OB/GYN care and the other specializing in Endocrinology. We have attending support for all curriculum specialties.

Spouse/Family Opportunities
Downey is located in the heart of Los Angeles close to beautiful beaches, mountains, theme parks, and schools. It is one of the most culturally diverse communities with many job opportunities in Los Angeles and Orange Counties all in proximity. There is fast casual dining from street food to seafood to a vast array of cuisines from around the globe. Your family will feel right at home.

Program Emphasis:

  • Adolescent Medicine
  • Ambulatory Medicine
  • Community Medicine
  • Geriatrics
  • Inpatient Medicine
  • Obstetrics
  • Procedures
  • Sports Medicine
  • Women's Health

Special Electives or Rotations:

  • Ambulatory Medicine
  • Behavioral Medicine
  • Community Medicine
  • Geriatrics
  • Inpatient Medicine
  • Obstetrics
  • Procedures
  • Sports Medicine
  • Women's Health



Contact Information

Program Name:
Downey Family Medicine Residency Program

Program Director:
Mark D. Schneider, DO

Program Coordinator:
Cindy Navarro

11500 Brookshire Ave, Downey, CA 90241

Phone Number:
(562) 904- 5374

Total # of Residents: 21
Number of PGY-1 Slots: 7

Program WebsiteContact Email

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