To help improve care for patients with obesity, CAFP has just launched an initiative: Improving Care for Patients with Obesity: Creating Opportunities for Productive Clinician-Patient Interactions During a Pandemic that includes three accredited activities for family physicians and one activity for patients. Two case-based activities: Helping Your Patients Seeking Obesity Treatment: Coping with Negative Thoughts and Effective Communication Strategies that Make a Difference provide excellent resources and tips for helping your patients with obesity during these tough pandemic times. In addition, once you take one of these courses, you will be invited to schedule a "practice session" with a standardized patient where you will receive immediate feedback and any suggestions for helping improve patient interactions. We hope you take advantage of these free CME courses and register today. 1.25 AAFP Prescribed credits are available.
Accompanying these accredited activities is a Patient Education module to help your patients with obesity overcome obstacles to progress. We hope you consider sharing this URL with your patients struggling with obesity: https://patientcoach.