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Published: May 24, 2021

Our State of CAre is ACEs Aware

This month, we launched a statewide health care provider engagement campaign to expand the reach and impact of the ACEs Aware initiative. The campaign is designed to help clinical health care teams understand the importance of screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and invites them to join the ACEs Aware movement by getting trained and certified to screen for ACEs.

The campaign uses digital and print media to raise awareness about ACEs and the long-term health effects they can have on children and adults if not addressed. The campaign tagline, “Let’s make our State of CAre ACEs Aware,” reminds us that when we screen for ACEs, we can treat toxic stress and prevent the negative health impacts that affect so many Californians.

“Decades of research demonstrate that ACEs and the resulting toxic stress response, when left untreated, contribute to some of the most significant and costly societal challenges facing our communities,” said California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. “The State of CAre campaign is designed to help providers understand the importance of screening for ACEs and to leverage our ACEs Aware resources to effectively integrate ACE screening and referrals into their practices.”

The launch of the State of CAre campaign includes updates and improvements to the online Becoming ACEs Aware training modules, a refreshed ACEs Aware website, and lessons learned and best practices shared on the ACEs Aware Grants webpage.


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